Google Business Site Closed: Find out what this means for your business!

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Google My Business was a business listing initiative by Google that has gone through many changes since it was established in June, 2014. Notably, it underwent a transformation into Google Business Profile, emphasising a broader scope beyond listings to provide businesses with a more comprehensive platform for:

  • Showcasing themselves
  • Share important information, updates, and links to other social platforms
  • Use photos to attract customers
  • Provide contact information

Originally, Google Business Profiles had the ability to create simple websites based on the information provided by a business profile. However, Google recently announced that all websites made with Google Business Profiles will be turned off in March 2024.

How will this work?

Your Google Business Profile will not be affected by these changes. However, domains ending with "" and "" will no longer be supported in the website field of your Business Profile.

It is recommended that you link your Google Business Profile to a new website. 

How can I find my website made with Google Business Profile?

If your business has a website made with Google Business Profile, you can find it with the following procedure outlined on the Google support website:

  1. Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
  2. Select Edit profile.
  3. Under “Business information,” select Contact.
  4. On the right side of “Website,” click the pencil icon.
  • If you have a website made with Google Business Profile: You’ll find the website under “You have a website created with Google.”
  • If you don't have a website made with Google Business Profile: You can add a link to your website, but the “You have a website created with Google” section won’t show.

What happens when my website is turned off?

  • Before July 10, 2024
    • Customers attempting to visit the website will be redirected to your Business Profile.
  • After July 10, 2024
    • Customers will get a “page not found” error when attempting to visit your website.

What if I have an ad campaign connected to my Google Business Profile website?

If you have an ad campaign connected to your Google Business Profile website, Google recommends that you update your ads to link to a different website before March 1, 2024 to keep them running. Alternatively, you can pause your campaigns.

What if I’m using a custom domain name for my Google Business Profile website?

According to Google, custom domains for Google Business Profile websites will be redirected the same manner as the domain for the Google Business Profile website (i.e. it will initially redirect to the Google Business Profile, then to a “page not found” page.)

What if I still want my business to have a website?

To continue having a website for your business, Google recommends the following site builders:

If you want a website that will promote your business to a whole audience of potential customers, contact us. We specialise in crafting tailored websites that captivate your audience and drive results. From innovative design to seamless user experience, our expert team ensures your online presence stands out from the competition.