Frequently Asked Questions

What is SEO? 

SEO stands for Search Engine Optmisation. It is the process that you undertake to get a website or web page to rank higher in the organic search engine results of a Search Engine Results (SERP), like what you would find in Google. 

SEO can be completed in many different ways to achieve results for your website. 

I’ve seen many different tactics come and go over the years of doing SEO, but find that the more ethical strategies are more reliable ways to rank in the SERPs. 

Do you lock in clients to long-term contracts?

We don’t believe that digital marketing agencies should lock in clients to long term contracts and we question the need for agencies to take this approach. If your SEO service is good enough, your clients should be happy to continue with your campaign each month. Our contracts are month to month, so that clients can choose to end at any time they need to. 

Do you provide a guarantee on your SEO campaigns?

No. If you find agencies offering ranking guarantees, run a million miles. The reality of SEO is that search engines like Google are run by propriotery algorithyms, which the details of how they work exactly are not publicly disclosed. Therefore, the much of what is learnt and practiced by SEO is undertstood from testing and analysis of the SERPs.

There are many variables that determine SERP rankings and each customer needs to be analysed to understood what is working in that particular industry to rank. 

What do you need to get started on a SEO campaign?

We customise each SEO campaign to help get the most return on your investment. During your SEO strategy meeting, we will ask you a range of questions to help understand your SEO campaign. Prior to the SEO strategy meeting, it is helpful to think about:

  • Why are you doing a SEO campaign? (Business Goals)
  • Why does your business deserve to rank in Google? (Why)
  • What keywords would you like to rank for in Google? (Seed Keywords)
  • What keywords do you think your customers use to find your products/services? (Customer Keywords)
  • What is the URL of your key competitors that rank well in search (Competitors)

What do you need to get started on a website design project?

Our website design process is structured in a way where we guide you through all phases of design. We have a number of website design packages to choose from, which can help you understand how much neeed to budget to work with us. At our initial website strategy meeting we will ask a range of questions to help understand your website project. Prior to this meeting, it is good to think about:

  • Why are you building the website? (Business Goals)
  • What is this website for? (Purpose)
  • Who are the people that will use the website? (Target Customers/Audience)
  • Why do your customers/audience need this website? (Customer Needs)
  • What can users do on the website? (Functionality)
  • How many pages do you need designed? (Pages)

For more information on our SEO and website design expertise, read our various articles.