An SEO specialist is in charge of researching, reviewing and implementing SEO strategies in order to optimise website traffic and increase rankings within search engines. In simple terms, SEO specialists are here to make sure that your website appears at the top of Google search results. However, it is not only about receiving higher website traffic for SEO Specialists, it is also about converting these visitors into future consumers.

I learned that important lesson in my first six months, along with many others that are definitely worth reading if you want to know what an SEO specialist does.

So what does an SEO Specialist at Digital Treasury Do?

How Does Our SEO Specialist Develop Your SEO Campaign?

Effective SEO campaigns are a planned effort that require in-depth and thorough analysis into your business and industry as a whole, to ensure that the results satisfy your main goals and expectations. Our SEO specialist creates a specifically tailored campaign for you, which is extended over a period of time and involves a number of different components including:

Client Discovery Meeting

SEO is a great way to generate more traffic to your website, however, depending on how competitive your industry is, it might not always be the right answer. This is why our SEO specialist conducts client discovery meetings. During the SEO strategy meeting, we discuss your goals and expectations from this campaign and try to gather a better understanding of your business and industry you are in. We also ask you what type of keywords you would like to rank for and how realistic it might be for your business to rank for those keywords.

Technical SEO Audit

Technical SEO Audit consists of our SEO specialist crawling and reviewing your website and fighting what’s working well from an SEO perspective, what potential errors are preventing you from already ranking and tips on what to fix. This includes assessing the speed of your website both on Desktop and Mobile, number of broken pages and links, issues with images, missing meta descriptions, duplicate content and much more. We then present it to you in a comprehensive and compact format in order to get those errors fixed as soon as possible.

Interested in a quick SEO Audit for your website? Click here for a 15 minute video review.

Content Audit

Here we take a look at your website’s current content and check what we have to work with for your SEO campaign. This includes assessing the average word count of your pages, what type of content is already ranking well and generating views, duplicate content, and the possibility of keyword cannibalisation. Keyword cannibalisation essentially means having multiple content pages ranking for the same keyword, which cancels away each other’s chances to rank. Our SEO specialists can pick up on that and prevent this issue from continuing to happen.

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis consists of researching your industry’s competitors and selecting the top 3-4 competitors to look at in detail. We analyse their website as a whole, blog pages, quality of content, the frequency of publishing new content etc. We also review how well they are doing from an SEO perspective, the keywords they are ranking well for, their top pages that generate the most traffic and how well their website is optimised. Lastly, we also review their social media channels, the type of content they post and its frequency in order to determine how strong their social media presence is. The purpose of this is to provide you with a list of recommendations for your business in order to either at least mirror what your competitors are already doing, or find opportunities for you to get ahead of your competitors.

Keyword Research

Client Keyword Research can be considered as one of the biggest pieces of work our SEO specialist does for you. Here we research and brainstorm all relevant keywords, topics, services and products provided to us during our client discovery conversation. We also research all the possible keywords commonly used by competitors in Google and try to extract as many keyword opportunities as possible. The purpose of this is to find as many appropriate target keywords most relevant to your industry as well as potential opportunities or “quick wins” from keywords you may already be ranking for.

SEO Content Writing

Content writing consists of integrating suggested target keywords that have already been approved by you, into a content schedule in order to generate content that will help you rank! We also further look at the keywords that you are already ranking for and optimise the existing content to increase the ranking. Our SEO specialist then conducts multiple tests on those keywords, top 5 ranking competitors and your content itself, to guarantee its ranking.

At this stage, we also look at potential link building opportunities for your website to increase the number of quality backlinks to your website. This is also highly essential in increasing Google’s rankings of that page or website as a whole.


At the end of the full month of your SEO campaign, our SEO specialist provides you with a detailed report of what we have achieved so far. It presents you with the total change of organic traffic, bounce rate, ranking keywords and much more. Here we also provide what we have done for you during this month and what the next steps of your campaign are.

What Degree Do You Need To Be an SEO Specialist?

SEO is a very niche field that is also quite new to the industry and therefore is not often studied at most universities. Due to its ever changing nature in developments and policies, SEO specialists learn the majority of the skills with training and experience on the job. However, it is also highly beneficial to have a degree in marketing, communications, computing or IT, as it presents you with relevant knowledge and skills that can be applied in the area of SEO.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an SEO Specialist?

At Digital Treasury, our prices may vary depending on the kind of SEO campaign you may be after and the kind of work our SEO specialist has to do for you.

Click here to enter your details on our handy Price Guide and we will send you some pricing information.