43 Australian Guest Blogging Sites You Can Submit To

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Note: We will update our list of Australian websites that accept guest posts on a regular basis. If you have additions or would like changes made to the list, please drop a comment below. Guest posting is a popular strategy used by Australian SEOs to build backlinks to a website to increase authority and search engine rankings, it is also a great opportunity for businesses to engage with their target audience and perform 'digital networking'.If Guest Blogging is done correctly, there can be benefits to your business outside of ranking gains including:

  • PR
  • Opportunities to be interviewed for podcasts or YouTube channels
  • Opportunities to attend, host or speak at events.
  • Getting in front of your actual target audience to help relevant customer find out about your business!

Guest posting is a process that starts with prospecting for guest posting opportunities. In Australia, this can be difficult because not all websites accept guest posts, but a few of them do. Most bloggers that are reach out to website owners, don't get their guest posts published because they're not pitching unique content in their emails or demonstrating to that they've read the website or understood the needs of the website's target audience.To help you in the research phase of finding prospective website's in Australia to approach for Guest Posting, we've put together a big list of websites that accept guest posts. Ensure that before you email the websites below, that you have examples of quality content you've produced in the past and you have a content idea that is unique to that website.

List of Australian Websites That Allow Guest Posts

Copy and paste the "details" URL to find out how to contribute a post to that website.

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