WordPress.com Vs. WordPress.org: Which One Is Right For You?

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The main difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is hosting of your website database and files. With WordPress.com the hosting is taken care of for you and with WordPress.org you will need supply your own hosting.

One of the questions we get from our clients at Digital Treasury (who we provide multiple services for, including WordPress maintenance) is which of wordpress.com and wordpress.org is the best. Wordpress in general is great for businesses.

Well, we usually answer that either of the two options is excellent. And that is the truth: the two are “the best.” Now, that might sound hilarious and confusing, but type WordPress on Google, and you'd see otherwise.

WordPress.com and WordPress.org are the first results you’d see. Why is it like that?

“.com” and “.org” are both excellent extensions. Regardless, you’d need to pick one for your business or company. And to make that decision easy for you, we have written this information-rich article.

(Before we explore this comparison, find out how you can upload user generated content to your WordPress site, and start your own WP blog)

So, to start, let’s discuss the differences between the two extensions.

What Is The Difference Between WordPress.com And WordPress .org?

Who Hosts Your Website?

The first, and perhaps the most crucial, difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org is who hosts your website. If you choose the former, your web hosting will be completely hands-off. And while that might be a great option if you're a beginner, you might have less control over where and who you'd host with.

On the other hand, WordPress .org lets you host your site the way you want. And yes, the process could be time-consuming. But overall, you’d have free reign to decide where and how your website is hosted.

Winner: wordpress.org

The Cost Of Hosting Your Website

If you’re running a website for non-commercial purposes and would like to set it up free of charge, wordpress.com is your guy. However, there are a few setbacks such as the following:

  • For a start, the storage capacity of your website will max out at a mere 3GB.
  • Your site will be limited to themes and plugins that are default to WordPress.
  • Furthermore, you won’t get a personal domain. You’d only be able to set up your site under a subdomain.
  • Lastly, and most frustratingly, you can't monetize the free wordpress.com website. The worst part: WordPress will keep posting its ads on your page, and you won't be able to stop it.

But there’s good news: You can upgrade your free site. But that will cost you about $110 per year – charges of custom domain name inclusive!

On the other hand, wordpress.org is the best fit and the most affordable for commercial purposes. With just $35, you can set up your website for a whole year. However, note that subsequent years will cost you more – say $50; and you'd still need a web hosting provider.

Winner: WordPress.org

Suggested reading: What You Should Know About Dedicated WP Hosting In 2021

Ease Of Use

There is nothing much to pick apart between wordpress.com and wordpress.org in terms of interface. The two options are both easy to use. Regardless, we give thumbs up to ".com;" it is the most beginner-friendly option between the two.

And if you are merely testing owning a website or blog, wordpress.com is the easiest and most cost-effective way to start.

Winner: WordPress.com

Now, you understand the differences between wordpress.com and wordpress.org. You might still not be sure which to pick from the two. In that case, let’s help you choose the best fit for your needs.

When Should You Choose WordPress.com?

If you only need a basic website or blog, we advise you to pick wordpress.com. When you do that, you will worry less about hosting charges or even site maintenance. WordPress will do all that for you.

More importantly, you won't have trouble backing up your website data. In other words, your site and data are completely safe – even with little input from your end. However, you must be willing to have "x.wordpress.com" as your website – x can be anything you want.

When Should You Choose WordPress.org?

If you are particular about expression and freedom, wordpress.com will be limited for you. If you had chosen such an option, you’d almost always be frustrated by the ads and subdomain names. In that case, you should use wordpress.org.

Wordpress.org lets you personalize everything about your site – from the name and theme to the plugins. However, you’d have to cough up hosting charges. Also, you’d be the one to ensure adequate security for your data. But even with all those requirements, wordpress.org is worth the hassle. Moreover, it is relatively affordable compared to the upgraded version of wordpress.com.


Overall, WordPress.com and WordPress.org are perfect in their own ways. The best of the two options depends on you. What purpose do you need your website for? How much time do you have to maintain the site? More importantly, do you fancy being able to customize your website?

Your answer will ultimately decide which of “.com” and “.org” to choose. That said, here is a shortcut:

  • If you need a non-commercial website, and couldn’t care less about being a subdomain site, stick to wordpress.com already. It is free – and if you’d eventually love to upgrade the site for business, you can do so.
  • But if you know from the start that your website is strictly for business, choose wordpress.org. With it, you'd personalize your site after your taste – and get rid of WordPress ads and branding. Most importantly, choosing wordpress.org from the start is more affordable than upgrading wordpress.com.

If you have decided to choose wordpress.org for your website, we'd advise you to set it uprightly. You will need to hire an expert WordPress developer to get your site up to the reflection of your brand. In that case, there is no one better than us in Australia.

At Digital Treasury, we serve our clients with all ranges of web services right from the heart of Melbourne. Besides web design and development, we also offer SEO training & services, copywriting, and website Maintenance.Engaging us to design and set up your WordPress website is a sure way to rank fast on Google, get more sales, and build your business reputation. Be it .com or .org (or other extensions), we can help you get started. And, all that you would need to do is to contact us today!