What Website SEO Services Do We Offer?

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At Digital Treasury, we offer comprehensive website SEO services that complement our website design services. Not only do we build high quality websites that hook customers and boost sales, but we also provide SEO services that help those business websites rank higher on Google.

The combined efforts of our website and SEO services result in a standout online presence that will make your business infinitely more competitive. But, what exactly does SEO (or search engine optimisation) involve? We have constructed this guide to let you know how we take business websites and put them in front of the eyes of customers.

What goes into an SEO Campaign?

Search engine optimisation started in 1991 with the launch of the first website. Since then, the process has been refined extensively, to the point where our particular SEO campaigns are guaranteed to improve the visibility of your business. Our SEO campaign process is detailed below to give you a sense of how we operate.

Technical Audits

Our first step is to perform a technical audit, in which we review your website in order to evaluate:

  • What’s working well
  • What SEO errors are present
  • What can be improved

These audits are presented to you in the form of private video recordings, so you can witness the evaluation of your website in real time.

Our video SEO audit packages come with the following:

  • 15 minutes video review of a website (either your website or a publicly viewable website)
  • Actionable recommendations
  • Videos are completely private and presented in high-definition
  • 1 video is delivered in 4 days, 2 videos are delivered in a week

Our price ranges from $70 for 1 video SEO audit, to $120 for 2 videos (save $20). They are conducted by an experienced SEO consultant who has helped hundreds of businesses establish their SEO strategy and boost customers to their websites.

Competition Analysis

During the initial strategising phase of our SEO campaign, we consult with you and conduct extensive research in order to learn as much about your industry as we can.

An important part of this research is determining which businesses are leading in your industry and why. We identify your most prominent competitors, their weaknesses so you can avoid making the same mistakes, and their strengths so you can replicate them.

That way, we have a thorough understanding of the most effective SEO strategy going forward. Not only will your website rank high on SERP, but it will also outrank your competitors.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important aspect of an SEO campaign, as it is the process of finding and analysing the words and phrases that your target audience enters into search engines. This research uncovers popular queries that are worth targeting with content in order to boost SERP rankings.

Content Writing and On-Page Optimisation

Writing is how we take our research and implement it to achieve results by populating your website with high quality content. Our articles are:

  • Written by Australian University-qualified journalists in conjunction with experienced SEO professionals
  • Formulated to match the search intent of your target audience
  • The result of conduct correlation analysis with onpage signal analytic tools to make sure that the factors search engines are looking for are present
  • Friendly for both humans and search engines, instead of robotically loaded with keywords
  • Interesting and relevant to your target audience
  • Backed up by research in your industry

Link Building

Search engines favor websites with high-quality backlinks, which we effectively obtain by reaching out to authoritative websites that are relevant to your industry and encouraging them to link back to your website. It’s a simple practice that significantly improves your domain authority on Google’s SERP.

Performance Reporting

Once all of these duties have been completed, we compile reports on the results so you can see firsthand how effective your SEO campaign has been. We use these reports to inform how your SEO campaign will continue, identifying any weaknesses that we can improve on.

How much does a campaign with website SEO services cost?

Get in touch in order to get the scope and price information for your SEO campaign.

What is the timeline for a full SEO campaign?

SEO campaigns aren’t a “one-and-done” kind of deal. Below, we’ve outlined what you can expect from us over the course of your campaign.

The First Month

  • Client discovery meeting to determine your target audience and business strategy
  • Technical SEO audit to identify any weaknesses in your current website
  • Content audit to evaluate the SEO effectiveness of your current content
  • Competitor analysis in order to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of businesses that are leading in your industry’s SERP
  • Keyword research to determine the best queries to target
  • SEO foundations set up so you have everything you need to boost your rankings
  • Local SEO set up so you’re familiar with how it all works
  • SEO reporting so you’re always kept up to date on the performance of your SEO campaign

The Second Month

  • SEO review and analysis to determine where the current campaign has both succeeded and failed, informing the rest of the campaign
  • SEO content writing so we can populate your website with information that will boost your rankings and serve your customers
  • Link building to boost domain authority with backlinks from authoritative websites
  • Continued SEO reporting

And Onward

  • Further SEO review and analysis
  • Extensive SEO content writing based on your feedback
  • More link building to boost your domain authority even further
  • And, of course, more SEO reporting


SEO is not the easiest subject to grapple with, so we’ve answered a few common questions below.

Why is SEO a good source of website traffic for your business?

More and more consumers search for their products and services online, stressing the importance of boosting your business’ online presence. If you can rank your business first for the right keywords on Google, you will be the first business that your target audience sees when they search for products that you stock, giving you a competitive edge.

How do businesses benefit from having an SEO Strategy?

SEO campaigns are an investment of time and money. However, when implicated correctly, they result in an increase in both traffic and, therefore, profit. At Digital Treasury, we guarantee a return on investment for our SEO campaigns, as we target specific “buyer focus keywords” to generate new leads for your business every month.

How does Google decide which websites rank on the first page of the SERP?

Google’s algorithm is sophisticated, using over 200 factors to determine which websites rank for certain keywords. These factors include:

  • The number of backlinks pointing to your website;
  • The number of high-quality websites pointing to your website;
  • The “anchor text” the backlinks pointing to your website;
  • The word count of articles on your website (the average page #1 ranked website has 2,000 words);
  • Content that includes interesting media like images and embedded videos;
  • Your website page loads fast (you should aim for less than 3 seconds, test your website speed here);
  • The number of pages on your website on the topic of the keywords

Our SEO Strategies address these factors, plus many more.

Get in touch if you’re looking for website SEO services that’ll boost your rankings and get you more customers.

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