How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

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Imagine this: You've just designed a new website for your business. It's beautiful. It’s functional. You're getting great feedback already. The time and money you’ve put into this website is already paying off. In that case, you might think that's all for "web design."

We hate to break it to you; but, regardless of how recent or functional your website is, you need regular updates to keep up with your competitors and audience. This leads to a lot of questions, such as:

  • How often should you redesign your website?
  • Why else should you redesign your website, besides keeping your web content fresh and updated?
  • How much will the process cost you?

You will find all the answers to your enquiries in this post. Let's get started.

Wait! You might also want to read Advantages & Benefits of Websites for businesses.


Why Should You Redesign Your Website?

The main reason is simple. Tastes grow stale over time.


Look back to the early 2000s, for example, and see how simple and computer-focused web pages were back then. Unlike then, your customers are more inclined to surf the web on their smartphones. Additionally, there is even more focus on the functionality of websites than ever:

  • If your website loading speed lags, you will lose the audience, regardless of the quality of your content.
  • If visitors can't navigate your web pages with ease they might not spend up to a quarter minute before logging off to another website.

So, unless you want to hurt your SEO efforts and sales, you should redesign your website - and soon. Still not convinced? That's understandable. That is why we have outlined three more specific reasons below.

3 Primary Reasons You Should Redesign Your Website


Your branding will never stay the same

While the core values and goals of your brand will be constant, the delivery will improve. With time, you will need to adjust to your customers' varied tastes & locations, as well as technological innovations. So, when you update your brand, your website should reflect the changes as well. It would be futile to put so much work into rebranding your business, only for your website to keep the same uninspired, unintuitive design. Furthermore, rebranding your business is another opportunity to update the content on your website. While you might have evergreen articles, this is the perfect time to add more weight to such delights. Think of it as gleaning as much ice cream as possible with just a cone!

Adaptable websites have higher conversion rates

At the onset, you want to create visibility for your offerings. That is why you set location-specific pages and consulted a local SEO specialist. Now, you're getting the traffic, but you haven't seen any jolt to your revenue stream. Well, it might be time to revisit your website design! In this case, getting traffic is not the issue. But it is one thing to get traffic and another entirely to convince viewers to take action. In other words, maybe your website looks good, feels good and attracts a wide range of people. However, there is no streamlined focus on creating a sales funnel approach. Your professional and functional website is only doing half of its job. It might offer good deals, but those offers are for nought if your website can’t convince your audience to take action. With a web redesign expert like Digital Treasury, you can fix such deficiencies, reduce bounce rates, and ultimately convert more of your leads.

Viewers take note of responsive design

Beyond your rebranding efforts, there's no cap to making your website more responsive than it was. Moreover, the responsiveness of your web pages also boosts the conversion rates of your leads. It is always good to start with navigation; what more can you do to improve your site map? How do you make it easy for the viewer to get to the information they need, as well as anything else that might catch their interest? Should you include more categories? If you operate an e-commerce website, ask yourself; how can you ensure a smooth experience for your patrons? How simple and straightforward is your product cataloguing? Additionally, you should always consider an intuitive upgrade that will identify what device your customer uses for surfing, catering their user experience to their device. That way, you don't have to worry about mobile friendliness because the upgrade will automatically take care of it. Another crucial element of responsive design is micro-experience. Micro-experience is an additional tweak to conventional website functionality. This includes the addition of sounds, gif images or notifications that grab the attention of your audience. With such aids, you have more chances of announcing your new products to your customers and reminding them about carted or favourited goods. Of course, you can't achieve the listed aims without a scheduled web redesigning. As we said, there is no limit to making your website look good. However, we equally understand that redesigning your website isn't an everyday thing. In that case, how often should you do it? Is there a timeline? How do you budget for this?

How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?

Spoiler alert: there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the frequency or timing of website redesigning.


Searching for the answer tends to be confusing. Perhaps you have read that the standard is 3 years. Some other sources might even quote a year, or as often as every 3 months. We at Digital Treasury are here to clear the confusion. The frequency or time of website redesigning varies from one business to another. However, regardless of the business, the process of website redesigning depends on several factors. We have listed some of those factors below.

3 Crucial Factors That Determine How Often You Should Redesign Your Website

Does Your Website Have Any Underlying Issues?

Does your website suffer from outdated design? Are its load times frustratingly slow? Is its layout not mobile-friendly? If your answer to any questions such as these is ‘Yes’, then you need to forget about timelines and focus on consulting an expert to schedule a redesign as soon as possible.

Do You Need To Fix Only A Section Of Your Website?

If the issues you discovered are minimal, you should fix them as soon as possible lest they become bigger problems later on. Even after the problems have been fixed, you should check back after 3 months to ensure that the changes have stuck. Has your traffic increased? Are you getting higher conversion rates? If you are not getting desired results, you might need to do another round of A/B testing to determine the lasting solutions. That way, you will get a final fix.

How Big Is Your Business?

Your web-designing needs depend on the size of your business and customer base. For mid-range to large-scale businesses, there are more resources and competition. This suggests a 2-3 year timeline as the best option. For small-scale businesses and startups with minimal budget and offerings, redesigning the website every 3-5 years is a feasible timeline. In any case, it is advisable to plan for redesigning your website alongside your business goals, as your web pages serve as an extension of your core values. They represent you online, and for that reason, they should be the best. But how much should you budget for web redesigning?

What Is The Cost Of Redesigning A Website?

Like the frequency we already discussed, the cost of website redesigning varies, and it often depends on who performs the redesign for you. The good news is that, no matter what, this process is relatively cheaper than building a new website. Let's take a look at the cost breakdown:

  • A DIY redesign will cost up to $2000.
  • Hiring a web design freelancer will cost up to $20,000 or even more, depending on the template and custom features.
  • Hiring a web agency will cost up to $30,000 or more, depending on the results of a website audit.

Looking at the cost average, we understand that you might want to go for the cheapest option. However, we strongly advise against that. But why would we do that? Remember that you're redesigning your website because it didn't work out in the first place. Spending less money on a less effective website is only going to send you back to square one. In other words, you should choose quality over quick fixes. So pick an agency! With an agency like Digital Treasury, you will be working with a team of experts who understand web design. We don't just stop at the aesthetic appeal of your web pages, we also focus on optimizing your offerings for conversion and enhanced user experience. More importantly, our operations are research-focused. Before any restructuring, we first audit your website and its historical data. From there, our experts will make the changes that your business requires. Think about it, that's much more affordable and cost-effective than a DIY approach that would only result in confusion and cost you more in the long run.

Final Thoughts

There is no time cap to redesign your website but, regardless of when you take the next step, it is best to engage a web agency like Digital Treasury. That is how you can make the most of your redesign, get the best results and improve your conversion rates. Need more insightful ideas? Check the other posts below: How do you optimize for local SEO? How to speed up your website and why it's important? Why you need to update your website frequently

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