A Complete Guide To Creating An SEO Marketing Strategy

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What is an SEO Marketing Strategy?

An SEO marketing strategy or SEO approach is a process creating, planning and executing steps to improve organic search rankings. Increasing organic traffic is the goal when planning SEO tactics for businesses. The right SEO marketing strategy will allow you to drive valuable traffic to your website.

3 main techniques that SEO can be split into:-

  • On-Page Optimisation

On-Page Optimisation mainly focuses on tweaks and changes to optimise web pages. On-Page elements include Page title, Headings, Quality content, Site speed, Meta description, Internal linking, structured markup and Image Alt-text.

  • Off-Page Optimisation

Off-page Optimisation refers to techniques used to improve a website’s position on a search engine results page. This technique is associated with link-building. Off-Page SEO tactics include Influencer outreach,  Guest author contribution, social media engagement, blog directory submissions, Forum and Article submission. Off-Page techniques looks at the popularity of the website.

  • Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the process of keeping the technical requirements updated on a website that enables the website to rank on the search engine. Some of the important elements associated with Technical SEO are Indexing, crawling, website architecture, and rendering.

Mobile SEO Strategy

The process of optimising your website on mobile devices where the website and functionality look great is called Mobile SEO. Having a Mobile SEO strategy is important as there is more importance given to it even by Google. Websites are now crawled for mobile-first before a desktop version, and when ranking on SERP the algorithm will use the mobile version first.  Mobile SEO should be a part of the overall SEO marketing strategy.

Testing your website on GoogleMobile-friendly test is a good way to know if your website is mobile-friendly or not. Another great tool to test if your entire website is mobile-friendly is Experte Mobile Testing bulk took.

Tips for an Effective Mobile SEO Strategy

  • Improving site’s load time

A mobile experience is dependent on how the site’s load time is. The users want information quickly in a clear and concise manner. If the website takes too long chances of conversion automatically drops. Google page insights is a good tool to improve the site’s load time.

  • Responsive design

A crucial component of a mobile-friendly website is having a responsive design. A responsive design is important because a website can adapt to any screen size no matter what device the website is opened on. Browsing for the user becomes much easier with a responsive designed website.

  • User Experience is important

User experience and a responsive website are two sides of the same coin. Both are equally important. One without the other won’t give you the best results.

Some important elements that can help users engage with the website.

  • Easy CTA - Call to action button is an interactive element for both web and mobile UI. The buttons should induce people to take action. For example, Purchase Now, Call Us, Contact us, Buy Now etc.
  • Thumb-friendly design - “Thumb zone” coined by Steven Hoober’s research is an important part of design and development for a mobile interface. Understanding the hand placement will help determine the size of the font and navigation to help improve user experience on the mobile.
  • Right Metrics - The ability to measure user experience design success by analysing Quantitative methods such as conversion tracking, Click-through rate, Heat maps etc. Qualitative methods like the ability to navigate the UI with ease and complete tasks could help understand gaps while analysing.
  • Information Architecture - This is a method of labeling and organising the website properly to ensure users find the right information with minimal effort. For Example correct website labeling with an organised structure, the right image, video or content engages the user at every touchpoint on the mobile website.
  • Local SEO

Local SEO for mobile devices is becoming more important for local businesses to be able to reach customers within a given radius around its location. There are frequent searches for phrases like “near me”, “open now”, “where can I buy” to help people find local businesses easier. Optimising Local keywords is important to be able to rank well in search engines for local products and services.

  • Optimise Meta Tags

Title tags and Meta Descriptions are important elements that might determine whether a person clicks on your website or not. On Mobile devices it's easier to read the title tags and meta descriptions hence its important to let the users know what the web page is all about. A title tag serves as a preview of the page and with the right keywords can boost Click through rates. Meta Description on the other hand helps determine the relevance of a page.

  • Mobile Content

Creating content in itself is important but creating content that is mobile friendly is also a challenge. Keeping the content between 2-3 sentences will make it easier for the user to read and comprehend better.

  • Different URL for Mobile

Creating a different URL for a mobile website allows for a better user experience and increases the chance of conversion.  A mobile URL should look something like this “website.com/mobile”

Steps to creating an SEO Marketing Strategy in 2021

  • Create a list of wish keywords

Keyword research is very important before beginning an SEO campaign. Knowing the keywords associated with the business is crucial to long term organic growth. Understanding a customer point of view will help in determining what keywords can become a target.

Long tail keywords are good opportunities and usually are less competitive as well.

  • Analyse Google's First Page

After narrowing down keywords to target, it’s time to see if those keywords have value in terms of volume or not. Apart from that, also scan the top 10 search results and look at similar words, or patterns used within the Meta Title and Meta Description. These are good indications for what could be potential titles for either a blog post, service page or product name.

  • Add New & Refurbish Old Content

Content on the website is like an unexplored gold mine. Before trying to add new content. It’s important to understand if the current SEO content needs slight improvements as they may already rank for a few keywords. Building on already existing content is a good way to start followed by a content schedule with content pieces planned for 2-3 months with targeted keywords.

  • Optimise for On-Page SEO

This step is all about keyword optimisation for the content you publish. Internal linking of pages within a website is a great way to begin optimising content. This technique helps the search engine know which pages are most important and in the long run end up building a content funnel with the most important pages like the service/ product pages at the top. Keep URLs short and concise is important while also keeping an eye on Keyword density, Meta titles and Meta Descriptions.

  • Improve User Experience

A good user experience is becoming more and more important from an SEO perspective. The quality of a website across different platforms and devices are a key factor that affects overall effectiveness of an SEO campaign. It’s important that the website is easy to navigate through and links well, taking the visitors to the right web pages and answering the questions as quickly as possible.

There you have it.

Building a well-planned SEO Marketing strategy could be a lot of work. The fundamentals remain unchanged and testing what works for your business is important for any SEO campaign to be successful. We at Digital treasury offer a range of SEO services for businesses across different industries including SEO Audit, SEO Training, and more. Book in a strategy session with us.

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