The Ultimate Checklist To Building A Website

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If you’re running a business, you need proper publicity and a wider audience. If you want to effectively gain both, you need a website.The question is how do you go about building a website?Website building is a strenuous process that can be tasking and daunting when you examine the processes involved. While we have 4 steps to creating a flawless website, this article will go in more depth. Another important piece of info to know is how often you should redesign your website and how to retain your SEO rankings when you redesign.The website building process requires the right tools, as well as personnel that will make it stand out.

However, most people are oblivious of this and end up creating a lower standard website despite paying a greater cost. It doesn't matter whether you're in the public or private sector, this is a fact.So, if you fall into the category of persons who seek to build a website and you're not sure where to start, then this checklist is your ultimate guide.Now, we don’t mean to rush you, but there are certain requirements that you have to meet before you start building your website. Don’t worry, we’ve listed them below.First off, you have to create your business logo and branding. A personalized logo is what makes your brand unique and stand out.Also, you have to meet legal requirements, ensuring that your brand is properly registered and trademarked.Additionally, register and set up all social media platforms that you intend to market your business with.If you can effectively utilize these social media channels, your brand is on its way to success.

More importantly, you should learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is a Google algorithm that evaluates the contents that you put up on your website.When your contents are Search Engine Optimized, then your page will rank top in your niche.These are just the preamble to building your website. Once you fulfil all these requirements and you're good to go.So, continue reading to discover the ultimate checklist for building a website.

10 Point Checklist For Building A Website

Now we're down to business. In this section, you find a step-by-step guide to build an efficient website.

Purpose and Goals

First and foremost, you have to plan what you intend to do with your website, as well as the activities it will feature.Be it an e-commerce website where you intend to market your products and services or a blog where you plan to update with posts frequently, you have to design your website to suit these requirements.Building a website without purpose and goals is doomed to be useless.This is because when you create your website in an e-commerce structure, and you intend to use it as an informational brochure for your business, you have a complication.However, with proper planning and goal-setting, you will determine the kind of website that your business needs.

Domain Name

Next, you have to select and register the best-desired domain name for your Web address.Domain names are used to identify one or more IP addresses so that a website has its unique URL.In your website's URL, it is the domain name that helps to identify particular web pages.Now how do you get a domain name when building your website?It is quite easy as anyone can buy a domain name.To buy one, you find a domain name registrar, popular ones out there are A2, GoDaddy, and Namecheap.

Then you type in the domain name you want to buy and if it is available, you're prompted to pay a fee.I want to point out that you can't ordinarily get a domain name of your choice as other people with a similar brand name to yours might have previously bought it.


More so, you have to state the priorities that are critical to building your website.These include various add-ons that you can attach later after building the website.

Site Pages and Features

Next, you have to highlight what your website requires and how you want it to look and feel.A typical checklist should include;

  • The number of website pages needed.
  • Amount of website storage (images and videos require more storage space).
  • Required tools such as online forms, blogs, customer reviews, maps, slideshows.
  • Links to or integration with social media.
  • Video and/or audio players.
  • Shopping cart, for e-commerce website building.
  • Tech support.
  • Mobile device optimization (so your website looks good on mobile devices).
  • An easy way to make content updates.

DIY vs. Professional Service?

Another critical factor to consider is whether you'll be building the website yourself or outsourcing professionals to do the job.When building the website yourself, you can use DIY website building tools that erase the hassles of coding and design.However, if you want a more efficient and stronger website, you should consider outsourcing to a professional.They would help with the coding and design process, which will guarantee that your website is top-notch.

Website Builder

Apart from considering who builds your website, you should consider what tools are most effective to create it.You have to choose a website builder that can include a DIY tool or a professional service that will build your website to your specifications.You can use various website builders such as WordPress, Constant Contact Website Builder, Wix,, Shopify and Weebly, among others.


For your site to be accessible by internet users over the web, you need to store your website on a computer.And how do you do this?You consult a web hosting company.When you get the hosting tool, you use it, follow the instructions, and it will automatically get the site online for you.

Connect Your Domain Name to Your Website

After getting your domain name, it is time to link it to your site.This linking helps you have a web address that is easily remembered by your audience, effectively building your brand.

Plan and Develop Content

Next, you have to prepare relevant and interesting content about what you offer to your audience.This content helps your audience know more about what you offer.

Promote Your Website!

Finally, you have to show your website to the world. Think of ways that your targeted audience will find and use your website.You can make use of social media platforms, business cards, advertising, and online business directories.

Here’s the bottom line...

Building a website is a task that can exert a lot on you, both finance-wise and time-wise, so you know you have to make it count.Most people find the process challenging and complicated. However, in this simplified guide, the process is made easy.I hope this article has helped you discover the step-by-step guidance needed to build a website.Follow them up and experience the unprecedented growth of your business. For an example of our tailored approach to web design, you can see our guide to building an architect website.